Saturday, June 7, 2008

Done today

Well, I did not spray last night, we had a party to attend, it was VERY hot... so it was put off to this morning. I obly mixed just a quart ofthe rotenone/pyrethrin. BOY! Is that stuff stinky! I used an old yogurt container to mix it so I can then dispose of it. Safety first. I put it into a 16 oz. sprayer that has a fine mist. I like this method because it is easier to get under the big leaves, very important. My method is simple: I pump it a couple times on top of the leaf, then with the sprayer primed, I turn it over and pump the underside of the leaf. I also use a spreader/sticker to help it adhere to the leaf well. This is something I got from Garden's Alive and it seems to be working.

So far so good, I have not seen any more of the moths and I can find no evidence of eggs on the stems. I sprayed the corn too, for good measure, also. No more blight or bugs on that, please. I already had some sort of borer during the whorl stage. I am starting to get tassels. Now I need to learn some more about how the corn stalk grows it's fruit. Sheesh! If it's not one thing it's another.

TAPS PLEASE. :( I have a death. :( I lost a couple okra plants. This darn heat is what got 'em before I had my irrigation set up properly. So, I replaced them with ones I still have in pots and added another couple drip lines. I think I have it now.

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